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Resource sharing—websites and other places to learn

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2009-10-13

Does it seem to you that this blog needs a place to post about resources such as book and website recommendations, commercial sites for needed early childhood science supplies, and interesting articles that are not necessarily related to a particular post? As a blog it is difficult for readers to begin new threads, but here’s one way we can do it:
Teacher reading aloudPlease “Comment” to add your suggestions for resources of interest on this post. Begin your post with a header/title identifying the content: book of science activities, favorite fiction with science theme, great website about seeds, place to buy pipettes, blog on teaching kindergarten, and so on. Readers can use the Search feature to find posts on particular topics (let me know if the feature does not function—scienceissimple at yahoo dot com).
Another forum for members of the National Science Teacher’s Association is NSTA Communities, where you can join a grade-specific group such as the PreK-K Group.  Looking forward to hearing from you,

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