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NSTA Position Statements


NSTA is the dedicated voice for science educators and professionals committed to best practices in teaching science and STEM and its impact on student learning.

To represent the concerns and interests of our diverse body of members, NSTA requires a voice that is identifiable, influential, and informed. This aim is achieved in part through taking positions on matters related to science, STEM, and education. Position statements provide a platform for NSTA to inform stakeholders of the science educator perspective. This advocacy tool serves as a guiding document, helping to raise the profile of the science teaching profession, promoting respect, and ensuring investment that supports equitable, high-quality science education.

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Aerospace Education
Animals: Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom
Climate Change, The Teaching of the Science of
Data Science
Early Childhood Science Education
E-Learning in Science Education, The Role of
Elementary School Science
English Language Learners, Science for
Environmental Education
Evolution, The Teaching of
Exceptionalities, Students with
Gender Equity in Science Education
High School Science, Learning Conditions for
Induction Programs for the Support and Development of Newly Hired Teachers of Science
Informal Environments, Learning Science in
International Science Education and the National Science Teachers Association
Laboratory Investigations in Science Instruction, The Integral Role of
Leadership in Science Education
Liability of Science Educators for Laboratory Safety
Metric System, Use of the
Middle Level Students, Science Education for
Multicultural Science Education
Nature of Science
The Next Generation Science Standards
Parent Involvement in Science Learning
Preparation, Science Teacher
Professional Learning in Science Education
Professionalism for Science Educators, Principles of
Quality Science Education and 21st-Century Skills
Research on Science Teaching and Learning, The Role of
Safety and School Science Instruction
Societal and Personal Issues, Teaching Science in the Context of
STEM Education Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning About the Ocean, The Importance of
Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning, Transitioning from Scientific Inquiry to


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