NSTA District Professional Learning Packages
NSTA Now Offers OpenSciEd Professional Learning!
Is your district implementing OpenSciEd open-source instructional materials? NSTA is an official provider of OpenSciEd professional learning. Let us support your implementation efforts with professional learning that can be adapted to meet your specific district needs.
All NSTA Programs and modules can be delivered virtually or face-to-face.
NSTA offers tailored packages of onsite presentations and workshops, online experiences, and books on popular topics—including three-dimensional instruction—for schools, districts, or states. Using a blended approach, NSTA combines a face-to-face component with additional online opportunities to extend learning. Implementing this approach promotes sustained change in classroom practice.
A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) encourage students to engage in science and engineering practices to develop deeper understanding of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts. As a partner in the development of the NGSS, NSTA has been at the forefront of the shift toward improving the quality of science instruction for all students. Let us support your school or district efforts to implement three-dimensional standards and transform classroom instruction, with programs for
- administrators
- curriculum leaders
- all classroom teachers
NSTA aims to increase teacher, school, and district capacity to implement three-dimensional programs, with innovative instructional strategies that model the student learning experience. Participants have opportunities to engage in and observe three-dimensional activities—then reflect on and discuss what they experienced and saw.
NSTA professional learning is customizable, and each workshop can be tailored by grade and discipline.
NSTA Professional Learning aligns to the "Science Professional Learning Standards," a set of guidelines released by the Council of State Science Supervisors in 2017 to ensure high-quality teacher experiences.
Virtual Mentoring and Instructional Coaching
Virtual mentoring and coaching models help districts and schools increase their capacity for strong science instruction.
Distance Learning Web Seminar Series
Additional Learning Modules
Customize your professional learning experience by adding an additional learning module to another workshop or institute. Is there another topic you'd like to explore? Contact us to talk about how we could best meet your school or district goals.
Personalized Web Seminars
Add a series of tailored web seminars to extend your onsite learning, help deepen understanding, and offer educators a virtual space for collaboration.
Contact Us
For more information on professional learning opportunities, please contact professionallearning@nsta.org.