Area Conference in New Orleans
November 19–21, 2020
Due to ongoing health and safety concerns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Science Teaching Association has decided to cancel the fall 2020 Area Conferences on Science Education. The face-to-face meetings were originally scheduled to be held October 29–31 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; November 19–21 in New Orleans, Louisiana; and December 10–12 in Phoenix, Arizona.
In making this decision, NSTA considered feedback from members and conference participants, including exhibitors and session presenters, state and local guidance on large gatherings, and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. This decision was made for the health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors, presenters, volunteers, and staff.
We appreciate the work our conference committees have put in to meeting our members’ and the greater science education community’s professional needs, and their continued guidance as we re-envision the conferences as a virtual experience in the fall. We will share additional information as soon as it is available. Thank you for your continued understanding and support while we navigate these unprecedented and challenging times.
EnGULF Science Education
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center • 900 Convention Center Blvd. • New Orleans LA 70130
Mark your calendar for NSTA's second 2020 area conference—we'll be in New Orleans, Louisiana!
Twitter hashtags: #NSTA20 (2020 conferences), #NSTA (all-purpose)
Session Proposals
We are no longer accepting session proposals for the New Orleans area conference.
Proposal Review Timeline for 2020 Area Conferences
- Submission deadline: January 15, 2020
- Proposals reviewed in March
- Accepted sessions scheduled and acceptance e-mails sent in early spring
For information on hotels, visit the Housing and Travel page.
Conference Strands
To help you make the most of the professional development opportunities available at the New Orleans conference, the Conference Committee has planned the conference around three strands that explore topics of current significance, enabling you to focus on a specific area of interest or need.
Conference Committee Leaders
Nathan Cotten
Conference Chairperson
STEM Curriculum Specialist
Terrebonne Parish School District
201 Stadium Drive
Houma, LA 70360
Patrice Mire
Program Coordinator
Kaplan, LA 70548
Michelle Sanchez
Local Arrangements Coordinator
Senior Professor of Practice/Director of Tulane Center for K–12 STEM Education
Tulane University
201 Lindy Boggs
School of Science and Engineering
New Orleans, LA 70118