By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2012-03-29
Yesterday at the NSTA national conference was my treat for myself—the CESI Engineering Is Elementary Day. My father was a metallurgist, and later a ceramist. He was good at figuring out ways to fix things and understanding the properties of materials. I looked forward to learning more about his field in a way that I can use in mine, early childhood education, and I was not disappointed!
We were given a guided tour of what engineers do by doing engineering ourselves under the guidance of Sharlene Yang, professional development director and Katy Laguzza, senior curriculum/research assistant of Engineering Is Elementary at the Boston Museum of Science, and Family Engineering founders Mia Jackson and David Heil. And we met a real, live engineer who gave an inspiring talk about how to grow up to be an engineer, NASA engineer Heather Paul who is the lead engineer for the future spacesuit life support system design. (As part of her work Heather got to meet LeVar Burton of Star Trek and Reading Rainbow fame so you know I’m jealous.) If you are an elementary teacher these programs are designed for your students and their families. If you are a birth-to-preK teacher, get their materials for your own education and look for materials for the very young children coming from Family Engineering at some time in the future.
As I look over the sessions for the NSTA 2012 national conference, I see that I will have to revise my thinking about sessions labeled General Science Elementary or K-8. For a while I found that what was being presented was more appropriately called “Grades 3-5 and you can adjust it for younger students” but now I’m finding them more appropriate to early childhood than previously. Take a look at this session: the presenter has uploaded activity plans for preK- grade 5. Thank you Sharon Anibal for including preK!
Thursday, March 29 8:00–9:00 AM Indiana Convention Center, 212
Everybody Loves I.N.D.Y.C.A.R.S. (Incredible New Discoveries You Can Achieve Really Simply)!
Are you tired of driving in circles with the same old boring lessons? Zoom ahead of the pack and take the lead with these proven K–5 inquiry-based lessons. Presenter(s): Sharon R. Anibal (Missouri Botanical Garden: St. Louis, MO)
Where will you be today and tomorrow? If you’re at the conference, let other early childhood teachers know about sessions appropriate for this level.