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8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo: We Need You!

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2019-03-22

On behalf of the entire steering committee for the 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, we invite you to join us from July 24 – 26, 2019, in beautiful San Francisco for the premier, international STEM education professional development event. The 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, is a uniquely focused event that brings together STEM partner organizations to create  a venue for learning and collaboration among pre-K through post-secondary educators, workforce professionals, business and industry leaders, informal educators, policymakers, public and private organizations, and other active participants in STEM education.

As evidence mounts and the need grows for a better prepared and stronger workforce in the STEM fields, so too does the need for quality STEM education that inspires students to pursue coursework in STEM and to take an active role in STEM careers. The STEM pipeline cannot occur until formal educators and our educational partners come together to create relevant, high quality STEM lessons and programs for our students. The STEM Forum & Expo is the place where we can gather and partner with other educators and educational entities to truly create STEM ecosystems that benefits all students at all levels. New teachers of STEM, and even veteran educators, need opportunities to help them effectively integrate the STEM disciplines, learn and use various instructional approaches, network with like-minded educators, and see innovation in action. If you are a novice STEM teacher or have been STEM-ming for years, the STEM Forum & Expo is the event you want to attend!

BUT WE NEED YOU! We are seeking creative, innovative formal and informal educators to share lessons, resources, and effective STEM programs with our attendees.  Educators need to build their skills and competencies in STEM, and they need resources that they can take back to their schools and inspire students to enter the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Each of us has a lesson, strategy, or program that we can share that would help to inspire another educator and influence the STEM learning of students across the world. We just need to take a leap and get out of our comfort zone of only presenting to students.

I hope to see you next summer in San Francisco for the STEM Forum & Expo. It will be a fantastic experience for all.

The 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, is a unique, focused event that brings together (informal and formal) educators and representatives from exhibiting companies who are interested in, and who have tools and resources to share that will ensure successful implementation of STEM education into our schools and communities. It is intended to provide resources for educators and organizations seeking to learn more about STEM education, associated outreach programs, partnerships, schools, and curricula.

Future NSTA Conferences

2019 National Conference
St. Louis, April 11–14

2019 STEM Forum & Expo
San Francisco, July 24–26

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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