By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2013-08-16
The National Association for the Education of Young Children published a collection of articles that focus on early childhood science education. Spotlight on Young Children: Exploring Science offers views into classroom practices with guidance in developing science inquiry in preK to grade 2 programs, and recommended resources for further learning. Members of the NAEYC Early Childhood Science Interest Forum contributed to the work.
Science and Children editor Linda Froschauer wrote an article on science standards—a good place to begin reading to find out how national science standards are based on research into how children learn. A section with questions and follow-up activities will be valuable for individuals, program administrators or science team leaders in leading groups in exploring, discussing and reflecting on, the articles on teaching science inquiry. Whether you are comfortable teaching science or wish someone else would do it, whether you like life science or physics best, and even if you are not yet a teacher, Spotlight on Young Children: Exploring Science will be enjoyable, enlightening reading.
You can read more online from two of the authors of Spotlight on Young Children: Exploring Science, Sally Moomaw and Lauren Schaffer. They answered questions posted by readers August 12-16, 2013.
If you are reading this on August 16, 2013, you can still post a question!