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Blogging resumes for NSTA Chapters and Associated Groups community

By Teshia Birts, CAE

Posted on 2010-10-26

Hello everyone!  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself —I’m Teshia Birts, one of the newest members of the NSTA staff.  You may have seen the message Howard Wahlberg sent about me a couple of weeks ago and I’m really looking forward to working with the chapter/associated group leaders and staff.
I know it has been a few months since we have communicated to you through our blog.  I hope to blog at least weekly…providing you with info from the National office, but also insight and advice on association-related issues.  If you are struggling with governance, leadership development, membership retention/recruitment, etc., feel free to contact me and I will provide you with as much guidance as I possibly can.
Recently a chapter reached out to us with questions about their tax-exempt status and we were able to provide them with the help they needed.  (Want to learn more? Log in to the NSTA Communities and check out Moira Fathy Baker’s financial management presentation from the 2010 NCSE meeting.)
I will also be on the road the next few weeks attending all three NSTA Area Conferences.  If you plan to attend, please let me know or feel free to stop by the Membership Booth on NSTA Avenue.
You can always reach me at  I look forward to working with all of you.  Talk to you soon!

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