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Boost your meeting attendance

By Howard Wahlberg

Posted on 2010-03-12

Thanks to everyone who posted a comment and e-mailed me directly. Boosting meeting attendance seems to be on everyone’s mind. While there is usually no one “quick fix,” here are some ideas to think about:

  • Restructure the meeting to appeal to a wider audience. Of course, you want programming to appeal to your most active attendees, but think about other attendees’ needs and other audiences.
  • Use a marketing mix. Promote the conference via e-mail, your website (if you have one), in your newsletter, with dues billings and prospective member packets, at local educational institute campuses, etc. Be sure to market your conference through “related” or “like-minded” groups.
  • Take a look at your conference through your attendees eyes. Can you answer “what’s in it for me?” Is there enough content to make it worth attending? Are your marketing materials accurately conveying the value of the meeting?
  • Provide a significant discount for early enrollment—NSTA has a significant registration spike for our early bird registration rate.
  • Have a big name/recognizable presenter—this has been an attendance trigger for NSTA.
  • Offer a guarantee. If the attendee isn’t fully satisfied, refund their money.

These are some ideas to get our conversation started. Do you have a great idea you can share? What has worked for your group and most importantly, what has not worked? Post a comment below or e-mail me at and share with your fellow leaders. Remember, the success of this blog is dependent on your participation!

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