By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2013-04-13
At a session this morning, when the presenters described the agenda it was not exactly what was described in the program. I was already familiar with the topic, so I slipped out. Since other sessions had already started, I decided to use the time on the exhibit floor. As I was browsing, I stopped at the booth of the Royal Society of Chemistry and struck up a conversation with another attendee.I found out that he had worked with Don Herbert, TVs Mister Wizard. Mr. Wizard was one of my childhood heroes, so I felt a connection. He also mentioned that one of his science instructors had himself been a student of Marie Curie’s. So I know someone who knew someone who knew Marie Curie! Another distant connection. But those who met Bill Nye on Thursday have a direct connection to a science superhero!
Other connections are geographical. I met educators from all over the US, as well as Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta, the UK, Australia, the Bahamas, and Taiwan!