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Ed News: Can STEM Camps For Girls Really Make A Difference?

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2018-09-07

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This week in education news, there’s no way of knowing whether summer STEM camps help nudge more women into STEM careers; education in STEM fields can be the road to economic empowerment for women; Missouri Governor calls on state legislators to tackle STEM education bill is special session; and teachers across the country turn to DonorsChoose to raise money for school supplies and projects.

They’re Fun. But Can STEM Camps For Girls Really Make A Difference?

The $100,000 gift from President Donald Trump, plus $125,000 from Steuart Walton, scion of the Walmart family fortune, enabled the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum to offer a high-end version of a growing phenomenon: summer camps that give young girls a chance to explore technology-dependent careers in which women are heavily underrepresented. The premise for the camps is that hands-on activities led by women already working in STEM fields will get girls excited about science and broaden their professional horizons. Educators say having role models and building self-confidence—the Smithsonian camp was called She Can—are essential precursors for girls to pursue a STEM career. Read the article featured in Science magazine.

The 2 Stages Of Successful Early STEM Education Revisited

I have been in education for 18 years and my strongest belief is that all children deserve a fresh start when they begin each school year. My classroom is a safe environment where students feel it’s acceptable to try, even if they’re not going to be successful the first time–and that certainly applies to STEM education. Read the article featured in eSchool News.

Women Around World Can Be Empowered With Education

Education in STEM fields can be the road to economic empowerment for women around the world. But unfortunately, girls often face significant barriers that restrict access to STEM education. According to a United Nations study of 14 countries, the percentage of women graduating with a bachelor’s degree in a field related to science is 18 percent. For women graduating with a master’s in a field related to science it is just 8 percent. While women represent 40 percent of the global labor force, they are often in lower wage jobs. Read the article featured in The Hill.

Study: Elementary Educators’ Effectiveness Varies By Subject

Just because an elementary teacher is rated highly in one subject doesn’t mean he or she is as effective an educator in other content areas, according to a new study in AERA Open, a journal published by the American Educational Research Association. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.

Workforce Development Takes Lead In Special Session As Legislature Debates STEM Education Bill

Missouri Governor Mike Parson is pushing forward with STEM education, calling state legislators back to tackle the issue in a special legislative session. Read the article featured in The Missouri Times.

How Public School Teachers Are Crowdingfunding For Supplies And ‘Dream’ School Projects

Many public school teachers across the country are looking to go above and beyond to educate the next generation, and they’re turning to DonorsChoose to raise money for school supplies and projects. Read the article featured on ABC News.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

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