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Ed News: State Legislation Could Accidentally Mess Up Science Education

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-02-01

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This week in education news, nationwide study revealed that college STEM summer bridge programs double the odds that students plan to pursue a STEM career, compared with students without program exposure; increase in state education funding doesn’t always reach teachers’ in the form of pay raises; new legislation in three states target science education; report suggests “inaccurate narrative” in the public about teacher shortages; and leveraging computer science is critical to every classroom.

Students Double Down on STEM Careers After College Summer Bridge Programs

A new study illuminates one powerful and effective way to address the STEM worker shortage and lack of diversity: Get students enrolled in bridge programs: Get students enrolled in bridge programs. Read the article featured in Education News.

For Districts, Teacher Pay Can’t Always be a Top Priority

In recent years, more governors have been increasing education funding in their states, but that boost doesn’t always reach teachers’ pockets in the form of pay raises. In an Education Week article, superintendents, school board members and district chief financial officers share why raising teacher salaries is not always a priority. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.

State Legislation Could Accidentally Mess Up Science Education

Bills in three states want teachers to avoid topics that appear in party platforms. In a bid to keep “controversial issues” out of the classroom, the bills would call for teachers not to advocate on any topics that have appeared in the platform of a state political party. In the US, that would include evolution and climate change. Read the article featured in Ars Technica.

Report Suggests ‘Inaccurate Narrative’ Around Teacher Shortages

Until data reporting on teacher shortages improves, teacher candidates will have “false impressions” about their job prospects, and policymakers will create broad solutions that fail to address states’ and districts’ specific needs, says a Bellwether Education Partners report released Wednesday. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

Language Adds Up For ELLs in K12 Math Instruction

Embedding English literacy and reading in math instruction gives ELLs a learning boost. Read the article featured in District Administration.

Why Leveraging Computer Science is Crucial to Every Classroom

Computer science has many facets, meaning educators can leverage various components of the field to reach students across all levels and learning abilities. With technology present in almost every classroom, educators have a greater opportunity to implement computer science lessons throughout the curriculum. Read the article featured in eSchool News.

New Governors Aim to Funnel Money Into Early Education

After campaigning on the expansion of preschool and other early-childhood programs, many of the nation’s newly elected governors are following through with budget proposals that include money to support children from cradle to school entry. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

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