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Ed News: There Are Many More Female STEM Teachers Now Than 20 Years Ago

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2018-10-05

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This week in education news, new analysis reveals that the percentage of female STEM teachers has dramatically increased from 43 percent in 1988 to 64 percent in 2012; report shows that 44 states have enacted at least one policy that brings computer science education to students; NSF launches three-year, $4-million pilot for national high school engineering course; Alabama Governor calls for plan to boost STEM education; the nation is more concerned about teachers’ low pay and difficult working environment; community outreach is important for students because service show students how to apply their skills in the real world; and Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman dies at age 96.

There Are Many More Female STEM Teachers Now Than 20 Years Ago

Over the last two decades, the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching field has become much more female, slightly more diverse, and more qualified, a new analysis shows. Read the article featured in Education Week.

State-Level Policy For Computer Science Education Continues To Grow

With strong policy support, adoption of computer science curriculums for K-12 students continues its steady rise, though availability in some states remains scarce, according to a report published by Seattle-based nonprofit Read the article featured in edscoop.

 NSF Launches Pilot For National High School Engineering Course

The National Science Foundation has funded a pilot to prepare a curriculum for a nationwide pre-college course on engineering principles and design. The three-year, $4-million pilot marks an important milestone in the creation of a nationally recognized high school engineering course intended to lead to widely accepted, transferrable credit at the college level. Read the press release.

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Calls For Plan To Enhance STEM Education

Gov. Kay Ivey said she would name an advisory council to study how to improve STEM instruction in schools to meet what are expected to be strong job demands over the next decade. The governor said STEM-related jobs are expected to grow faster than overall jobs and pay a median wage about twice as high as jobs in other fields. Read the article featured on

From ‘Rotten Apples’ To Martyrs: America Has Changed Its Tune On Teachers

For years, teachers continually heard the message that they were the root of problems in schools. But in a matter of months, the public narrative has shifted: The nation is increasingly concerned about teachers’ low salaries and challenging working conditions. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Community Service & Professional Development A Winning Combination

Community outreach is important for students, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because service shows students how to apply their skills in the real world. Service diversifies our experience and makes us process information differently by introducing us to new world views, a vital skill when problem solving. Read the article featured in eSchool News.

Leon Lederman, Nobel Laureate, Former Laboratory Director and Passionate Advocate of Science Education, Dies At Age 96

Leon Lederman, a trail-blazing researcher with a passion for science education who won the Nobel Prize for discovery of the muon neutrino, died peacefully on Oct. 3 at a nursing home in Rexburg, Idaho. His death was announced by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab); Lederman served as Fermilab’s director from 1978 to 1989. Read the article featured on the Fermilab website.


Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

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