Legislative Update
By Jodi Peterson
Posted on 2018-10-30
It’s trick or treat time, and I’m not talking Halloween.
This important election will happen in 8 days and NSTA will still be working on your behalf in 8+1 days. The most important thing for you to do is to vote. We need to make sure teachers’ voices are heard. Here are some good sites and articles to get you up to speed on key education-related issues ahead of the November 6 election:
For a complete and thorough overview of key issues and races, The Education Commission of the States Why the 2018 Elections Matter for Education website has a terrific interactive state-by-state map that includes topics such as which governors appoint state boards of education, and what states have key election-related ballot measures.
Speaking of ballot measures, there are 20 confirmed ballot measures in 15 states that could generate more than $2 billion in revenue for public education and represent public referendums on important education policy issues, such as private school vouchers. There are 16 tax- and bond-based funding ballot measures which could allot at least $2.6 billion to education in 12 different states. This, and more, including a table of all the November 2018 ballot measures concerning early childhood, K-12, and higher education, can be found in the article Education is on the Ballot This November from the Center for American Progress.
The Education Week blog K-12 Education and the Battle for the U.S. Senate: What to Watch from Alyson Klein has a great overview of the key races in the Senate and the candidates’ education policies.
And in her October 24 blog, Alyson Klein writes, “States can still make changes to their ESSA plans. And after the midterm elections in November, many of them may want to.” Here are the elections to watch on that front.
In this POLITICO article reporter Michael Stratford explains why Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is “cropping up in Democratic TV spots, Facebook ads and debate one-liners in 2018 races” this fall.
And last but not least Real Clear Politics continues to be a favorite spot of political wonks for general election news, polls and more.
Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.
Jodi Peterson is the Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at jpeterson@nsta.org or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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