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Educators want to know more about the NGSS Framework

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2012-03-30

Hundreds of teachers were eager to hear more about the Framework for the Next Generation Science Standards from NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle and Stephen Pruitt of Achieve, Inc.

This morning’s session on the Framework for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) drew quite a crowd. In addition to the people sitting and standing around the periphery, I saw a number of educators standing in the hallway just outside the door.
Some attendees posed questions, ranging from the inclusion of controversial topics in the NGSS to how assessment of students and states’ adoption of the standards will be conducted to coordination between the NGSS and the framework for technology and engineering.
Stephen Pruitt, vice president for content, research, and development at Achieve, Inc., encouraged audience members to participate in the public review of the standards’ draft, expected to be released in late April or May. Read more about the NGSS and the framework.

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