By Guest Blogger
Posted on 2015-06-13
Omaha, Nebraska, is the destination of the upcoming 2015 National Congress on Science Education (July 15-18, 2015). Leaders and members of Chapters and Associated Groups along with the NSTA leadership will gather to discuss science education issues that are relevant to promoting excellent science teaching and leadership. The theme of this year’s Congress is “Engineering the Next Generation of Science Leaders 2015.”
The NCSE planning committee developed the program utilizing the new NSTA Strategic Goals. Using the strategic goals, state leaders will be empowered to develop more effective organizations and networks. An important component of Congress includes the issue forum sessions where attendees will collaborate on ideas addressing the issues. The three issue forums are: Chapter/Associated Group Leadership and Advocacy, Professional Learning, and Elementary Science Education. Resolutions may be written from each of the issue forums to help direct both NSTA and Chapter/Associated Groups in their work. In addition to collaborating within the issue forums attendees will have the opportunity to network through workshops led by other NSTA members focusing on social media and technology integration, instructional strategies, organization management, fiscal responsibilities, the NSTA Learning Center, NGSS and NSTA resources. A new feature this year is the “unconference.” This is an opportunity for those attending Congress to determine the break-out sessions and step-up as a facilitator for the session. In addition to networking opportunities, the attendees will hear from speakers that include Stephen Pruitt, Jodi Peterson, and the five awardees of the Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award.
Congress is a wonderful setting to build relationships and network with other NSTA groups and members. When attending an event like Congress I always came away with new ideas that I could take back to my state organization. There is not enough time in the day to try and create new ideas when I could learn from the successes of other NSTA chapters and associated groups. Congress was my professional learning for growing my state organization.
So don’t delay! There is still time to register for the 2015 NCSE. Go to the NCSE webpage for more information about Congress and how to register. Note: June 15 is the last day to declare a delegate from a chapter or associate group.
So come – network, collaborate, celebrate and be creative – as we “… promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.”
See you in Omaha!
Carolyn Hayes is NSTA President, 2015-2016; follow Carolyn @caahayes or use #NSTACongress for updates.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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