The upcoming NSTA Minneapolis conference, taking place October 27-29, is the place to be for teachers looking for ways to incorporate STEM in their classroom. STEM can be a powerful unifying theme across the curriculum and in many settings. STEM provides an opportunity for collaboration among teachers, disciplines, and schools, as well as postsecondary, informal education, and community partners. Educators attending sessions in this strand will explore models of integrated STEM education programs, learn strategies to productively STEMify lessons, and investigate how to effectively engage students. Check out the 8 sessions below to see what #NSTA16 has for your STEM implementation needs.
Building Bridges: Engineering in the Elementary Classroom (Thursday, October 27 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM)
- Learn about a unique collaboration that engaged students in STEM, literacy, and the arts. Participate in a portion of our lessons and experience firsthand the power of collaboration and building bridges together.
If They Make It, They Will Learn: The Maker Movement and K–12 STEM (Thursday, October 27 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM)
- “Making” is more than tinkering, and the Maker Movement offers powerful, project-based lessons for learning STEM in K–12 classrooms.
Inventing Is Just Plain Fun (for All)! (Thursday, October 27 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
- Gain experience leading a design challenge and incorporating invention to provide engaging cross-curricular opportunities using a variety of community resources.
Laser Cutters + 3D Printers + Vinyl Cutters = Bolstered K–3 Math Curriculum (Friday, October 28 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM)
- The Maker Movement is spreading across the country. Laser cutters, 3D printers, vinyl cutters, and more are starting to show up in elementary schools. Connecting students with experiential learning not only bolsters student engagement, but also solidifies learning through making. Join in for simple ways to connect the Maker Movement, 3D printers, laser cutters, and vinyl cutters to K–3 math standards.
Incorporating STEM Across the Curriculum Through Inquiry (Friday, October 28 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM)
- Come learn how to incorporate STEM across the curriculum by taking part in a few traditional lessons, then shifting them to inquiry-based lessons.
The Transition—From STEM Student to STEM Teacher (Friday, October 28 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM)
- First year teachers who went through a STEM teacher preparation program will share their experiences transitioning from being a STEM student to a STEM teacher.
Quake-Proof: Applying Newton’s Laws of Motion to Building Design (Saturday, October 29 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM)
- Through scientific inquiry, engineering practices, and mathematical calculations, students apply laws of motion to designing and testing earthquake-proof structures on simply made shake tables.
Engineering from Every Angle: Engineers as Proficient in Emotional Intelligence as Well as Analytical Skills (Saturday, October 29 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
- Successful engineers are proficient in engineering and human relationship skills. Join us for creative ways to include emotional intelligence in engineering that enhances student learning.
Register to attend here—and don’t forget, NSTA members get a substantial discount!
2016 Area Conferences
National Conferences
- Los Angeles, California: March 30–April 2, 2017
- Atlanta, Georgia: March 15–18, 2018
- St. Louis, Missouri: April 11–14, 2019
- Boston, Massachusetts: March 26–29, 2020
- Chicago, Illinois: April 8–11, 2021
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