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Five Essential Topics in the Journal of College Science Teaching

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-09-17


MMYM_15minThousands of college freshmen have chosen their first-year science courses based on knowledge and experience from their K-12 years. College professors and instructors can use the award-winning Journal of College Science Teaching (JCST) to better ensure lectures, labs, and online instruction continue to inspire and promote science education.

JCST is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal for instructors and professors at the university and two-year community college level as well as pre-service science educators. The journal offers the proven research, case studies, and perspectives for college-level science educators charged with bridging the gap and creating career-ready scientists and future science teachers.

Here are several different ways to spend 15 minutes with JCST (Note: Members need to log in to access the articles listed below; nonmembers can access them for a fee):

  1. STEM-Related Degrees

It’s never too early to encourage science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) interests in students, but studies show college students make career choices during the first two years of college. As institutions track the enrollment of STEM-related degrees, science professors and instructors must continue to cultivate successful retention of undergraduates in science majors.

Each issue of JCST serves up research and discussion on STEM education challenges and solutions at the college level, such as the following:

Learn about unique programs, innovative technology, reform updates, and case studies all focused on STEM education sustainability and growth.

  1. Focusing on research and case studies

Because professors and instructors may be teaching non-science majors, JCST publishes integrated, multidisciplinary approaches to research experiences. Here are a few sample articles:

Two columns each month focus on student outcomes:

Research and Teaching reports the results of exemplary systematic educational research in college science teaching. Articles published in this column typically report on student outcomes in multicenter or multicourse studies.

Case Studies column publishes original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies themselves along with teaching notes for classroom instruction.

  1. Supporting community college teaching and learning

The Two Year Community column encourages the conversation about the unique challenges of teaching and learning in the two-year and community college classroom.

  1. Nurturing pre-service science teachers

Future preK-12 science educators are another important audience for the journal. Just as content and pedagogy taught at the university level will inform future science educators, the reforms and innovations of preservice educators are welcome by JCST.

  1. Exchanging peers’ points of view

In addition to an editorial from JCST Editor Ann Cutler, most issues of JCST features a Point of View column written by a science educator at the community college or university level. This forum allows educators to exchange ideas, experiences, and the specific challenges found in the administration and fundamentals of university teaching practices.

More Time?

Take it one step further by submitting your own manuscript. JCST is always looking for papers from members. Do you have a science investigation you think college professors across that nation should know about? Read the guidelines and write for JCST! Questions about submitting a manuscript to JCST? Please contact editor Ann Cutler at

Laura Berry of Cogberry Creative is our guest blogger for this series. Laura is a communications professional for the education community.

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