At the 5th Annual STEM Forum & Expo hosted by NSTA, taking place July 27-29 in Denver Colorado, lower elementary/early childhood educators will find more than 25 sessions catered to their area. The foundational skills learned and mastered through the integration of STEM during the early years, if done right, will help these students be critical thinkers and makers that can innovate the future they will be a part of. Check out the 10 sessions below to get a sense of what we’ve got in store, and browse all of the lower elementary/early childhood sessions here.
Creating Scientific and Mathematical Thinkers Through Hands-On Experiences and Open-Ended Questioning (Thursday, July 28 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM)
- Join us as we explore math and science concepts in an interactive, playful way by sharing a program we’ve designed called “Fun with Math & Science”—which is a parent/child interactive learning opportunity.
Engineers in the Block Area: How Building with Blocks Fosters the Growth of a Child’s Scientific Mind (Thursday, July 28 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM)
- Learn how to analyze block play as a global tool that can be used to develop a child’s scientific, mathematical, and engineering frame of mind.
Teacher and Child—Co-Explorers, Co-Learners (Thursday, July 28 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM)
- Through hands-on activity, discussion, and video, we explore how teachers’ own exploratory learning can guide children’s learning of core ideas and engagement in science practices.
Engineers Play, Too! (Thursday, July 28 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM)
- Learn how to incorporate literacy and “engineering play” into early elementary classrooms and how to use read alouds to spark engineering thinking in play!
Simple Machines Made Simpler Through Mechanical Puppets and Masks (Thursday, July 28 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM)
- These creations will surprise you by rolling their eyes, wiggling their ears, and sticking out their tongues, vividly illustrating concepts of levers and linkages.
Engaging Young Scientists in the Engineering Design Process to Create a PBL That Explores the Properties and Behavior of Matter (Friday, July 29 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM)
- Enhance conceptual understanding of the properties and behaviors of solids and liquids in a real-world STEM application to repurpose recycled solids.
STEMming Away from Stereotypes: Broadening Student Views on STEM Careers (Friday, July 29 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
- Since 1957, educators and social scientists have documented students’ stereotypical images of STEM professionals. Despite efforts to depict them accurately, most students do not perceive STEM professionals correctly. Strategies must be developed to change this misconception.
Teaching Engineering, Motion, and Energy Through Rube Goldberg (Friday, July 29 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM)
- This introduction to STEM for elementary classrooms will allow participants to explore motion and energy while creating their own Rube Goldberg machine using found objects.
Exploring Children’s (PreK–2) Physical Science Knowledge and Understanding (Friday, July 29 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM)
- Engage in performance assessment activities developed to explore what preK–2 children know and can do in physical science.
STEM in the Primary Classroom (Friday, July 29 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM)
- Supporting young children’s instinctive desire to explore STEM ideas and phenomena has lasting benefits. Come investigate how interdisciplinary STEM teaching and learning supports all students.
Register to attend here—and don’t forget, NSTA members get a substantial discount!
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Future NSTA Conferences
5th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA
2016 Area Conferences
National Conferences
- Los Angeles, California: March 30–April 2, 2017
- Atlanta, Georgia: March 15–18, 2018
- St. Louis, Missouri: April 11–14, 2019
- Boston, Massachusetts: March 26–29, 2020
- Chicago, Illinois: April 8–11, 2021
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