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Four New Books for Young Scientists

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2016-11-27

Studies show that science is students’ favorite subject when they enter school for the first time. Why? Kids are curious and creative. They love asking questions based on their observations. They love discovering everything. When kids are young, the world is wonderful, magical, and full of possibilities.

NSTA Kids, a division of NSTA Press, recently released four new books to inspire kids’ imagination and encourage them to ask questions about the world around them.

Quiet as a Butterflyquietasabutterfly by Lawrence F. Lowery is part of the I Wonder Why series designed to help students in grades K-3 to explore their senses. Sounds take center stage in this story. “One day, I listened. I listened to all the sounds I heard. I listened, and I wondered,” the narrator says. He contemplates sounds including birds singing, roosters crowing, and his mother humming, while also wondering about things that move about without making a sound like butterflies, caterpillars, and ladybugs.

Fragrant as a Flowerfragrantflower by Lawrence F. Lowery from the I Wonder Why series explores the connection between smell and memories. A boy explores the city, reliving a story that his father had told him about the smells of his childhood. “My dad likes to tell stories. One story he tells is about his walk around town when he was my age. He had fun exploring smells,” says the narrator. From the pastry shop to the tire shop, from fresh asphalt to old shoes, each scent tells a tale.

Look and Seelookandsee is the third new book by Lawrence F. Lowery from the I Wonder Why series. “Scientists learn by observing, comparing, and organizing the objects and ideas they are investigating. Children learn the same way,” the book’s introduction states. “Our senses—sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste—provide our brains with information about our world.” In this delightful book, young readers can practice making observations and comparisons and looking for patterns. 

Next Time You See a Cloudnexttimeyouseecloud by Emily Morgan offers a note to parents and teachers about how to use the text.  This book should be used in tandem with real-life observation. “Go outside on a day when you see white clouds against the blue sky. Lie down on the ground together and observe the clouds. Notice their different shapes and sizes and the directions in which they move. Use your imagination to see different forms. Talk about what you observe and share what you wonder.” Morgan’s book explains how clouds form, how they move, and why they look the way they do.

Captivate young scientists with these fun and engaging new books that let them use their imagination and all of their senses to discover and learn. These books are also available as e-books.

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