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Get Your Hands on NSTA Reports

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-06-26

MMYM_30minJust as hands-on experiments are essential to science literacy, you can increase your professional development with hands-on reading of NSTA’s monthly newspaper, NSTA Reports. Each print issue features pages and pages of information, so give your fingertips a rest from texting and tweeting. NSTA Reports is a 30-minute break with the greatest gathered resources for science teachers and administrators.
1. Advance Directly to Grab Bag
The Grab Bag is packed with free resources, upcoming contests, and enrichment programs for you (and occasionally your students). Get links to resources on topics as diverse volcanoes, animal behavior, engineering design using roller coasters, and so much more. Save this center pullout section for future lesson ideas and investigations.
2. Commentary from Colleagues
NSTA Reports features commentaries from science teachers, experts in the field, and even NSTA leadership. First-person experience with implementing NGSS, integrated curriculum objectives, and scaling assessments are just some of the themes you can expect to read more about in the NSTA Reports commentary column.
3. Get Brain Happy with Science Extras
Much like the Pharrell Williams earworm, sometimes science teachers just want some happy news. NSTA Reports has plenty of fun extras help your brain wonk out on science:

  • BRAINSTARTER: Break out a No. 2 pencil—or be confident and go for an ink pen—to challenge your brain with a monthly science crossword. Enjoy puzzles that feature terms like ooze, geochronology and Alderaan in one place!
  • Member Poll: Gain insight on important questions and trends from your peers. Do you negotiate grades? How much money does your school district contribute to your PD? The results of the informal polls are discussed and members provide real-life feedback.
  • Ms. Mentor: As research continues to show mentors are essential to the well-being of not only new teachers, but also for established educators, getting advice can sometimes help solve a new or lingering challenge. Dedicated to helping educators as they grow throughout their professional lives, Ms. Mentor writes a column for all levels of teachers. Get more now online:
  • Blick on Flicks: Ever wonder if the movie Frozen got the science of ice right? Jacob Clark Blickenstaff, PhD, known as “Blick” in the NSTA realm, “lets it go” every month with in-depth, expert commentary on popular videos, clips, movies, television series, and more in this column. Blick carefully points out where “physics is stretched, the chemistry fudged, or the biology twisted on behalf of the story—without losing sight of the fact that movies are meant to entertain.” Get more now online.
  • Mark Your Calendar
    The best way to get more out of your membership is to know how to get involved. Want to submit a grant paper or a conference proposal? Want to write for one of the award-winning NSTA journals? This column will help you follow-up on those deadlines.

More time?
Every issue of NSTA Reports features more content then you can absorb in 30 minutes. So use extra time to investigate the NSTA Reports archive online and find more resources for the school year ahead.
Learn more about NSTA Reports.
Not a member of NSTA? Learn more about how to join.
Laura Berry of Cogberry Creative is our guest blogger for this series. Laura is a communications professional for the education community.

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