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Have you considered attending the 2010 National Congress on Science Education (NCSE)?

By Howard Wahlberg

Posted on 2010-06-17

Scheduled for July 21–24 in Las Vegas, Nevada, this national conversation on science education provides an opportunity for chapters and associated groups, the NSTA Council, the NSTA Board of Directors, and NSTA staff to collaboratively address issues and work toward strategies that will support our mission, “to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.”
If you have had the opportunity to be a Congress participant, you know that this unique leadership experience supports the professional growth of each individual participant.  Workshops include parliamentary procedures, sharathons, media training, fiscal responsibilities, a briefing on NSTA resources, on-line tools for CAGs, membership recruitment and retention, and more.
This is an event that initiates the conversation, engages the participants, and takes action on issues that affect all who are interested in quality science education.  We have waived the registration fee this year in hopes to have all of NSTA’s CAGs attend. Click here for more information.
The success of this blog is dependent on your participation!  And remember, I’m only a few keystrokes away at

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