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Ideas and information from NSTA's March K-12 journals

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2016-03-13

This month, all three K-12 journals include What We Call Misconceptions May Be Necessary Stepping-Stones Toward Making Sense of the World (a must-read) and Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 (a must-share).

The Science Teacher – Powered by the Sun

Most of the lessons in TST include a detailed chart connecting the lesson to the NGSS.

  • Science’s Super Star is not about celestial bodies—but the starlet sea anemone. The article describes how to culture these organisms in the classroom and the types of research students can conduct on their reproduction, growth and development, regeneration, and reactions to stimuli.
  • Does It Mix? Introduces students to the concepts of hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules.
  • Building a Greener Future connects engineering and science in a project to design, construct, and test compost bins for a community garden.
  • Science 2.0: Mastering Scientific Practices With Technology, Part 2 recommends technology tools that support the NGSS science and engineering practices of analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, and constructing explanations and designing solutions.
  • Idea Bank: Using Earthquakes as “Teachable Moments” has a source of real-time information and data on earthquakes (the presentations are also available in Spanish). There are three entries to date for 2016.
  • Powered by the Sun includes many photographs of an engineering challenge in which students designed, built, and tested solar-powered vehicles (with electric motors, solar cells, gears, and wheels).

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Cnidarians, Emulsions, Forces and Motion, Graphing Data, Math and Science, Measurements and Data, Solar Energy, Solubility, Solutions.

Continue for Science and Children and Science Scope.

Science and Children- Earth and Human Activity

Spring is a perfect time for the featured lessons here on the connections between human behavior and the environment. Most of the lessons include a detailed chart connecting the lesson to the NGSS.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Adaptations of Plants, Aquatic Plants and Animals, Arthropods, Composting, Decomposers, Deposition, Earthquakes, Earthquakes and SocietyErosion, Hydroponics, Natural Resources, Stream Deposition, Water Erosion, Watersheds, Weathering and Erosion, Wind Erosion.


Science Scope – Physical Science

From new elements to engineering designs to technology enhancements, physical science and its applications are interesting to students (and teachers). Most of the lessons include a detailed chart connecting the lesson to the NGSS.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Forces and Motion, Heat Energy, Radiation from the Sun, Simple Machines, Static Electricity, Transfer of Energy, UV Index.

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