By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-02-03
Dear Early Childhood Teacher (of science and everything else) and teacher educators:
We invite you to join NSTA! The National Science Teachers Association has lowered new membership dues to $65 for a limited time only, until February 15th, 2011. So for $65 you get:
Even before I began writing for Science and Children, the NSTA elementary (and early childhood) journal, I read it for the lesson plans and discussion on teaching science, something that wasn’t covered often in my other professional association journals. Then I went to my first NSTA conference and signed up for the online discussions and found a community of support for teaching science in early childhood programs. To take advantage of this online membership application and to get $10 off regular membership, simply click here to join NSTA before February 15th to save! Use the discount code: NBMSPR2011.
Are there other early childhood communities supportive of science teaching that you can tell us about in a comment?