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Latest from NSTA's online outposts

By Howard Wahlberg

Posted on 2010-05-04

What’s New for May on NSTA’s various online outposts
Many of you are wanting to download the resources from the conference in Philadelphia. Here’s how.
On our listservs, flood relief efforts for a school in Tennessee are being arranged on our Chemistry list, and the brain and our senses is being discussed in the General Science listserv.
In NSTA’s online professional learning communities, make sure to check out all the presentation resources for our Philadelphia Conference.
On our “core site” ( read about National Lab Day and get involved!
On Facebook, discussions abound about summer activities and the coming end of the school year..
On LinkedIn, lots of discussions about biology teaching.
And of course, on our Twitter stream, science educators are tweeting and re-tweeting about an opportunity to fly a microgravity flight!
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