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Latest from NSTA's online outposts

By Howard Wahlberg

Posted on 2010-02-02

What’s New, 2/1/2010
Here’s a quick look (with lots of links!) at what’s going on at NSTA’s online outposts:
In the NSTA online professional learning communities, we have new groups created on a variety of topics…

  • Two new groups that should be of interest to conference-goers: the 2010 National Conference Group and the Shared Housing Conference Group. Presenters should start posting your handouts, attendees should start downloading session resources, and looking for roommates now!
  • Our Indiana chapter, Hoosiers Association of Science Teachers (HASTI) has their conference this week, listed on the calendar. And for NSTA members out there, there has been a terrific conversation on our listservs about Indiana geology!

At the NSTA Learning Center, check out this Wednesday’s Web Seminar: Engineer Your Life: Spark Girls? Interest in Engineering.
On our “core site” ( everyone’s gearing up for our National Conference on Science Education this March 17–21 in Philadelphia. Write your own declaration of independence and join your fellow educators this March in Philadelphia!
On Facebook, the discussion about teachers and technology has been re-energized, and we’ve created an event for the National Conference.
On Linkedin, you can now find a jobs subgroup, that re-posts all of the listings on the NSTA Career Center.
And of course all our science educator Tweeps are tweeting and re-tweeting about our Philadelphia conference!
Renew Your Membership!
Now is the time to insure that you don’t miss a single journal issue or one minute of the time you use to network and build professional connections here in these online communiities. Click the link above to renew your membership and insure that NSTA stays in your corner for your science education career!

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