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The latest from NSTA's various online outposts…

By Howard Wahlberg

Posted on 2010-06-28

What’s New for June 14 on NSTA’s various online outposts

Highlights of stimulating conversations taking place right now on our listservs:

  • Biology—Science Olympiad and online high school biology courses;
  • Chemistry—“gag” lab gift ideas, like stink-bombs;
  • Earth Science—Glacier activities, the Moh hardness scale, and an excellent mini-tutorial on how to find what you’re looking for on the NSTA journal archives (thanks to Nora McDevitt!;
  • Elementary Science—Activities for gifted 8th graders;
  • General Science—Labs on forces in motion and matter, interviewing tips and skills;
  • Physical Science—Smartboards and lessons.

In NSTA’s online professional learning communities, welcome to our 82 new users this past month!
On our “core site” ( read about our Urban Science Education Leadership Academy—and then register to attend!
On Facebook, educators are discussing registering for NSTA’s fall conferences, the first of which is in Kansas City.
On LinkedIn, more direct posts from NSTA’s Career Center, and discussions about springtime ferns and next generation education.
And of course, on our Twitter stream, science educators are tweeting and re-tweeting about several freebies that NSTA offers, the upcoming national San Francisco conference, and more!
Renew Your Membership!
Now is the time to insure that you don’t miss a single journal issue or one minute of the time you use to network and build professional connections here in these online communities. Click the link above to renew your membership and insure that NSTA stays in your corner for your science education career!

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