As a member of the NSTA communications team, I often field questions from a wide variety of audiences—teachers, parents, school and district leaders, business leaders and reporters—about the exciting new developments in science teaching and learning promoted in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education. For sure, there is a transformation occurring in science education and all stakeholders need and want to know what it all means.
NSTA’s newest infographic—How today’s students learn SCIENCE—helps all audiences better understand some of the important shifts of the NGSS. Presented in a fun, comic-book style, it showcases science and engineering practices in action, such as developing models, planning and carrying out investigations, and designing solutions using engineering and technology. For example, in one panel, a young girl wonders why her hair stands on end when she touches a Van de Graaff generator. Observing, posing questions, and making sense of phenomena are important scientific practices of the NGSS, and as Joe Krajcik said in his blog, “Making sense of phenomena and designing solutions drives the teaching and learning process.”
The infographic is the second in a series on the NGSS and is available now on the NGSS@NSTA Hub. The first infographic explored the reasons why it was time for new science education standards. Additional infographics will appear in the coming months and will explore various elements of the NGSS and the support needed to implement them in schools and districts around the country. Find all infographics on the NGSS@NSTA Hub.
NSTA launched the infographic series as a way to support teachers, schools and district leaders, parents, business leaders, and other stakeholders, as they transition to a new way of teaching and learning science. Seventeen states, the District of Columbia, and numerous districts around the country have already adopted the NGSS and are making steady progress on building awareness of the standards, helping teachers understand the changes needed in classroom instruction, identifying and developing classroom materials, mapping out curricula, and more.
Cindy Workosky is a Communications Representative for NSTA.
Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publications, ebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.
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