By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-11-27
Some bits and pieces gleaned from listserves, blogs, and tweets–
Professional development
- 10 Amazing Free Online Computer Science Classes from Stanford University. Each class is open to the public and is taught by a Stanford professor. Non-Stanford students do not get academic credit, but certificates are awarded as a document of participation. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have more courses like this with science content for teachers or advanced students? Add a comment if you know of other universities that have such online programs that are free.
Science and multimedia
- Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) has a Periodic Table of Podcasts—one for each elements (transcripts are available, too).
- Virtual Microscope from the University of Delaware. Students can practice and learn outside of class, during downtime in the classroom, or if you have to share microscopes.
Visual literacy
- Students’ doodles may indicate learning rather than boredom. See how Doodling May Draw Students Into Science
- Do you need maps for your classroom? Would students find it helpful to have maps in their science notebooks? The National Map website lets you create maps on various themes, download topographic maps, and access topo maps from as far back as the late 1800s to do comparison studies.
Real-world applications
- Kitchen Chemistry from the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) explores chemistry concepts related to food and food preparation.
- Also check out the Science of Cooking from the Exploratorium. (But remember that eating in the lab is not a safe practice.)
Photo: MLB – Central Park, NYC