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NSTA journal features

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-02-26

As an NSTA member, you subscribe to one or more journals in print/digital format. But you also have access to articles in the other journals. In the monthly SciLinks blog for each issue (and on the NSTA home page), there are links to browse the table of contents of the three K–12 journals (Science & Children, Science Scope, and The Science Teacher) along with the quarterly Journal of College Science Teaching. For the journals you don’t subscribe to, you can read/download articles as PDF documents or save them to the My Library section of the NSTA Learning Center.
In addition to the themed articles, NSTA journals have regular features that appear in each issue. Each journal has different features, but they are valuable resources for all grade levels. Keep reading to see what monthly features are available online:

Science and Children

  • In Teaching Through Trade Books, Christine Royce highlights books related to the month’s theme and provides lesson suggestions for investigations. There are two lessons in the current issue on food chains for K-4 and 4-6. Middle school teachers might be interested in the latter one.
  • The Early Years features activities for our youngest scientists (PreK to Grade 2). I’ve shared Peggy Ashbrook’s ideas with the educators at a nature center for ideas on projects for young children and their families. It’s interesting to see what these young children are learning.
  • If you’re a fan of Page Keeley’s Formative Assessment Probes, S&C features one every month, complete with a link to download one. These could be used in other grades, too.
  • Science 101 has “background boosters” with information on science topics. These quick primers from Bill Robertson can help you fill in some holes in content knowledge regardless of the level you teach.
  • Methods & Strategies has ideas and techniques for science teaching. This month looks at a twist on word walls with “I Wonder” boards.

Science Scope

  • Do you teach astronomy? Regardless of your grade level, Scope on the Skies is a pleasure to read. Bob Riddle provides information in an easy-to-read format with a monthly sky calendar, a list of visible planets, questions to stimulate student curiosity, and online resources to learn more.
  • Scope on Safety is column by Ken Roy, NSTA’s science safety compliance consultant. The February issue discusses how monitoring and awareness can help to prevent or reduce accidents in the lab. The column also has a “Question of the Month.”
  • Every month, the Teacher’s Toolkit features how-to strategies and practical advice. This month has lesson ideas for connecting engineering design and scientific inquiry.
  • Tried and True has suggestions for demonstrations and experiments and usually includes examples of handouts and related resources. The current issue show how to expand a rock ID lesson into a study of stone-based construction materials.

The Science Teacher

  • Safer Science has additional best practices and safety suggestions from Key Roy. This column is different from the one in Science Scope, and both are worth reading (and sharing). For example, this month’s topic is lab occupancy load.
  • Science 2.0 looks at new web tools to support learning in science. In February, authors Eric Brusell and Martin Horejsi share a teacher’s experience with a flipped classroom.
  • Career of the Month by Luba Vangelova is based on interviews with science-using professionals, such as this month’s materials engineer. Many middle and upper elementary classes discuss careers in science, so perhaps these brief and easy-to-read articles would be useful, first-person resources.
  • Health Wise by Michael L. Bratsis addresses issues related to students. This month has ideas to help students understand the importance of exercise.
  • The Green Room has the theme of “making your teaching more environmentally friendly.” In the February issue, Amanda Beckrich has suggestions for helping students look at the real-life topic of fuel efficiency.
  • The New Teacher’s Toolbox really isn’t just for new high school teachers! The ideas that Michael Romano shares are also useful to teachers at all grade levels! This month features ways to break the midwinter monotony (and don’t we all face that!)

It’s hard to find time to keep up with everything, but these features are worth a quick look every month. They also make good conversation-starters at faculty meetings.

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