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NSTA Press: 2013 AEP Distinguished Achievement Awards Finalists

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2013-05-06

NSTA Recommends catalog coverThe National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is pleased to share the news that several of our publications have been named finalists for the 2013 Association of Educational Publishers Distinguished Achievement Awards. We would like to thank our staff. And more importantly, we’d like to thank the authors, reviewers, and field editors who collaborate with us daily to publish quality materials upon which teachers can rely. We could not bring our award-winning resources to the science education community without their years of experience and willingness to share their Career of the Month article covertime and effort!
Beacon Award Finalist
NSTA Recommends Catalog
NSTA Press
PerDrawing Out... article coveriodicals/Editorial Finalists
Career of the Month
By Luba Vangelova
The Science Teacher
(Department/Column, Adult)
Drawing Out the Artist in Science Students
SweetGrass... article coverBy Al Camacho, Gary Benenson, and Carmen Patricia Rosas-Colin
Science and Children
(Feature Article, Adult)
Sweetgrass Science
By William Veal and Steven Nagy
Science and Children
(Feature Article, Adult)
Structure article coverThe Structure and Assessment of a Unique and Popular Interdisciplinary Science Course for Nonmajors
By Tonya Laakko Train and David E. Gammon
Journal of College Science Teaching
(Learned Article, Adult)
Professional Development Finalist
Rise and Shine book coverRise and Shine: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Science Teacher
By Linda Froschauer and Mary L. Bigelow
NSTA Press

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