By Kate Falk
Posted on 2019-03-22
Editors Note: Today in this blog series commemorating NSTA’s 75th Anniversary we celebrate the many stakeholders who work hard every day so that ALL students are engaged in science learning and who have helped NSTA to become a dedicated advocate for science education and a leading influencer on science and STEM teaching and learning nationwide.
The importance of science teaching and science learning has always been the driving focus of NSTA.
As we celebrate our 75th anniversary and look to the past with an eye to the future, it is an ideal time to reflect on the vital contributions made by our exhibitors, advertisers and sponsors.
Whether they have been supporting NSTA for decades or recently discovered how incredible and diverse our audience is, our vendor community deserves praise and respect for their consistent support of the Association and its members. Their vital support has enabled NSTA to produce award-winning conferences, programs, and publications which has truly had an impact on millions of teachers and students over the past 75 years.
Can you imagine an NSTA conference without the excitement and energy of the exhibit hall? It sure would be a lot less fun!
Have questions about new ways to teach or convey an idea – who better to learn from than those thought leaders who are helping to create the materials and equipment used in schools worldwide? Our vendor community spends incredible amounts of time researching, testing, and prototyping new products and services. Most have teams of educators guiding these developments and ensuring the highest level of quality is being produced. Their tremendous efforts in developing, creating and supplying ever-evolving tools and resources to keep students engaged, learning, and growing with a changing world is to be lauded.
NSTA’s vendors are passionate supporters and proponents for effective science and STEM education. They regularly contribute products and prizes, sponsor numerous events, and freely share their thoughts and solutions on how to increase student learning.
NSTA is thankful to have the support of such a dynamic group and we look forward to the 67th Annual NSTA National Conference on Science Education in St. Louis, MO just around the corner – and the jam-packed exhibit hall waiting for attendees. Please make sure to take the time to let your favorite vendors know they’re appreciated because without them, we wouldn’t be able to achieve all that we have thus far.
Future NSTA Conferences
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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