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NSTA’s K-College September 2016 Science Education Journals Online

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2016-09-06

September 2016 Journals

Want to know how to maximize the products your elementary students make? What about getting fresh ideas for your middle school classroom? Looking for ideas on how to help your high school students understand the natural world through the construction of scientific models? Want to engage college students in meaningful outdoor learning experiences? The September K–College journals from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) have the answers you need. Written by science teachers for science teachers, these peer-reviewed journals are targeted to your teaching level and are packed with lesson plans, expert advice, and ideas for using whatever time/space you have available. Browse the September issues; they are online (see below), in members’ mailboxes, and ready to inspire teachers.

Science and Children scspt2016

When students create products to demonstrate learning, we need to think beyond how those products are used to guide assessment. In this issue, we also consider all of the experiences and skills students use and develop through the creation of their products.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):


Science Scope sssept2016

We’d like to welcome you to the new and improved Science Scope, which features an updated design, new content, and most importantly, a new editor—Patty McGinness (see “From the Editor’s Desk”). After you’ve had a chance to review all the changes we’ve made to your journal, please let us know what you think so we can continue to improve and better serve your needs.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):


The Science Teacher tst_sept16_cov

In every scientific discipline, the most important overall goal is to develop understanding of how the natural world works through the construction of scientific models. This issue continues our look at systems and models that we started in the Summer issue. As you’ll see, scientific models come in many forms. In “Achieving Liftoff,” students must develop models to explain what happens during a rocket launch. In “Scaling Up,” students use plant growth to understand climate change. In “Separating a Mixture,” they build models to explain ionic interactions. As you work through this issue, think about how you can incorporate model building, a central science and engineering practice, in your own classroom.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):


Journal of College Science Teaching jcst_septoct16_cov

Looking to engage students in meaningful outdoor learning experiences? See the article about a pilot program in which preservice teachers partner with classroom teachers to provide students in grades 3 and 4 with Chesapeake Bay watershed educational experiences. Learn about a promising, active learning assignment in which students identify their own questions relevant to lecture content and provide logical answers. And don’t miss the article about the importance of teaching “work checking”—an essential component skill of monitoring and reflection during problem solving that may reveal errors or inconsistencies.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

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