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Online events and resources via Twitter

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-10-26

Even if you don’t tweet to any followers, it’s a great idea to use Twitter for updates, news, and suggestions. #scichat and #nsta are two hashtags that are a must for science teachers. Just this morning, I saw quite a few online events and resources that were worth learning more about:
Cell DayThe National Institute of General Medical Science (NIGMS) will host an interactive Web chatroom about the cell for middle and high school students. You can join in on Friday, November 2, 2012, anytime between 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT. Even if you can’t participate in the event, their Cell Day online resources on look good
Tundra Connections — This project features live, free broadcasts from the tundra during the annual polar bear migration in Churchill. There is a section for educators that includes archived broadcasts, and unit and lesson plans.
Several colleagues mentioned the interactive Rock Cycle, which guides students through a discussion and examples of rock types. I noticed that this is on the ICT Magic website, which is a treasure of interactive animations on many topics (see the index in the left margin). Within a few minutes, I was exploring a virtual volcano and the factors that affect a volcanic eruption. ICT Magic is a wiki that synthesizes resources  from other sources such as pHET, Discovery, and the Annenberg Foundation. I could see showing students the site and asking them to explore their interests!
I’m also using Twitter to keep abreast of Hurricane Sandy and its impact on the Northeast. @usNWSgov  and @usNWSgov

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