By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2012-06-07
The National Science Teachers Association is an organization of many, contributing their talents towards understanding and promoting best practices in science education. NSTA is committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
NSTA elections earlier in the year put Peggy Carlisle into service for early childhood education interests as the Director of the Preschool and Elementary Division beginning in June 2012. I hope to get to meet her at a conference sometime, but until then, let’s get acquainted in the blogosphere.
Peggy Carlisle writes, “In June, I will begin service as NSTA’s Director of the Preschool and Elementary Division. It is a privilege to represent preschool and elementary science teachers as we strive to support students, making learning possible, productive, and engaging. I value the important work done by teachers of preK through second grade students. My National Board Certification is Early Childhood Generalist (students 3 – 8 years of age) and I have taught at many levels, from 3-year-old preschool to fifth grade. I find teaching in the early years to be invigorating because young children are open to discovery and exploration. They abound with wonder and natural curiosity about the world and how it works. Attitudes toward science form early and children benefit from doing science – being actively engaged, working with concrete materials, employing the senses, and discussing their ideas. It is my hope that I can support the important work that you do as early childhood teachers.”
The complete list of officers and division directors is listed on the NSTA site. Contact them with your ideas and concerns.
Welcome Peggy! Please let the early childhood education community know how we can best support the continued work of the Preschool and Elementary Division!
another Peggy (Ashbrook, the Early Years columnist and blogger)