Ask a Mentor
By Gabe Kraljevic
Posted on 2020-01-17
A quarter of my grade 7 students are at a beginning reading level. None are on grade level for reading. Can you help me help them?
— K., Alaska
Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. To answer your question, I consulted with a colleague, Rita MacDonald, co-leader of the NSTA-WIDA program. Making Science Multilingual. She says:
“Students who are not yet able to read and who will take a long time before they can read still have a need and a right to learn science. So, we need to:
A test that depends on reading will never give an accurate portrayal of what non-reading or non-English-fluent students know.”
Talk with these students’ English Language Arts teachers or school resource teachers and perhaps check out their school records for insights and ideas to help you. Don’t be dismayed. Just do your best to improve their reading; you won’t likely get them to grade level in one year but any improvement is great.
Hope this helps!
Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay