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Research in science teaching

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-08-26

Over the summer, I’ve been catching up on articles in NSTA’s Journal of College Science Teaching. One feature I appreciated in the July issue is the NSTA Committee on Research in Science Education’s suggestions of 15 science education research articles that were published in the journals of NSTA’s affiliates. The article Current Research: 2013 Summer Reading Suggestions has summaries of research studies from these sources, The full articles as PDFs or links to them are available (no subscription required) at the journal site to NSTA members. These articles cover a variety of topics that include learning about multicultural science education, learning progressions, students’ use of argumentation, learner-centered classrooms, and school climate. Many of the research studies involve K-12 students and teachers.
I”ve taken graduate classes in which I had to summarize research articles. Well, here are several that might fit that need! These also would provide ideas for teacher action research or ideas for graduate theses.


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