By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2016-06-16
Each month in NSTA’s Science and Children journal, Bill Robertson* writes an informational article on a science concept. These “background boosters” present content information in an easy-to-read format with many illustrations and applications for the classroom. Science 101 articles have a conversational rather than a technical style.
Secondary teachers who want additional information can access and read these articles in S&C as NSTA members. These articles could also be shared with secondary students as a supplement to other readings and as an example of how to communicate science concepts in terms that everyone can understand.
Here are the Science 101 articles that appeared this year:
Each Science 101 article also includes Science 102—a brief “poser” that challenges your thinking (the explanation is printed the following month). These could be used as quick fillers or sponge activities for students, too.
*Bill also writes the popular Stop Faking It series of books for NSTA.
For more on the content and related activities, see these topics in Scilinks: Acoustics, Amusement Park Physics, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Cycle/Global Warming, Carbon Dating, Color, Comparing Frames of Reference, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electromagnetic Waves, Force of Gravity, Fossils, Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Gases, Light and Color, Mirrors, Properties of Sound, Roller Coaster Physics, Static Electricity, Strong Nuclear Force, Visible Spectrum.