By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director
Posted on 2014-02-12
How do you start an #organellewar? Create a virtual Professional Learning Community? Use Facebook with preservice teachers? Flip your classroom? Use YouTube in your science classroom? Five social-savvy science teachers will be gathering at the National Science Teachers Association’s National Conference on Science Education in Boston on Saturday, April 5, for a dynamic, interactive session to answer these questions and more.
Learn how science teachers use social media, both in the classroom and in their own time for professional development. Join us for this dynamic session that will focus on classroom-tested strategies, insight into how to use this powerful networking tool, and a Q&A session. Come ready to share–the presenters hope to learn as much from you as you learn from them!
Session: The Social Science Teacher
(Open to all attendees registered for the NSTA National Conference on Science Education)
Saturday, April 5 12:30–2:30 PM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 252A
general conference hashtag #NSTA14
session hashtag #NSTAlive
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