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Summertime science investigations and International Mud Day

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2013-06-28

Many children investigate the natural world more fully in summer, building their understanding of natural materials and phenomena through small moments and large.

Child jumps into water.Jumping into water

IMG_6799Pushing stones

Child uses tubes and baster to move water.

Moving water with tools

Children look in grass for small animals.Finding a small animal

Children harvest potatoes.Harvesting an early crop

Child sits on a tree branch.Climbing a tree
Wondering if it will rain, feeling the heat, and mixing to make mud!
June 29th, is International Mud Day, recognized by the Nature Action Collaborative for Children, and the National Association for the Education of Young Children, among many organizations.
Do you have plans to celebrate, and then investigate, the nature of mud?

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