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Technology topics

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-08-28

As the summer months disappear, I’m finally getting caught up on my reading, thanks to some time at the beach—although I did not see many others reading educational journals there!
As a member of ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education, I have a subscription to the journal Learning and Leading with Technology. As always, the summer issues were full of information and insights on a variety of topics. Some of the articles are available to nonmembers, too, and might be of interest to science teachers.
In the June/July 2010 issue,  take a look at Join the Flock (Using Twitter), Buyer’s Guide: Touch Tablets, and Point/Counterpoint: Are Interactive Whiteboards Worth the Investment?
In the August 2010 issue check out Scientific Inquiry, Technology, and Nature; Every Day Is National Lab Day; Buyer’s Guide: Robot Kits; and Point/Counterpoint: Is Technology Killing Creative Thinking?
You don’t have to be a member to subscribe to ISTE Connects as an RSS feed and to follow ISTE on social media such as Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date information, just as you follow NSTA (don’t you??).
Other professional organizations have resources, too. In my department, we were members of NSTA, but then each of us joined another organization and shared the journals and other resources.

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