By Bill Badders
Posted on 2013-08-19
Today, SXSW (South by Southwest) is launching their PanelPicker voting for the fourth annual SXSWedu taking place March 3-6, 2014 in Austin, TX.
Each year, SXSWedu invites the greater online community to share their input on content they’d like to see at the upcoming event. This Monday, August 19 marks the first day of public voting in PanelPicker, ending Friday, September 6. The community will have the opportunity to vote on session proposals (rankings held private), and add comments to share their thoughts about the ideas submitted.
The National Science Teachers Association would like to participate this year, to begin our conversations with people who would not normally consider themselves “science educators,” and we need your help. Choosing speakers for SXSWedu is a joint effort between the SXSWedu Advisory Board (40%), SXSWedu staff (30%) and the public (30%)…that’s where you come in.
We are asking you to cast a vote for NSTA to participate. Visit the link below to learn more about NSTA’s proposed panel and cast your vote today!
Voting closes on September 6, 2013, so be sure to cast your votes soon!