By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director
Posted on 2013-02-07
Experts say we are now in the Web 4.0 environment (where meaning can be created by the majority; web participation is a necessity; etc.). According to Yahoo! Finance, we’ll be able to purchase the first Web 4.0 tablet on or about March 15th. This isn’t science fiction; it’s here, and it sounds incredible. According to NBC News, “This ‘first of its kind’ tablet will be able to receive information and instructions without the user having to touch the tablet, utilize voice input, or incorporate any peripheral device whatsoever.” This announcement got my attention, and in my quest to pre-order, I came across several other fantastic ideas on the company’s website. Browse the site for yourself (scroll about halfway down the page and read the section titled “Intelligent Interaction in the Classroom, Board Room and Home”), and you might agree that this puts into perspective how important STEM education is. We must equip our students to function in the 4.0 environment and beyond. Not only to have the technical abilities to gain employment, but to make them scientifically literate enough to assess the reasonableness/validity of the content created by the masses (think wikis) and ultimately to be able to thoughtfully influence the creation of meaning. Read more at here and here. It’s an exciting time. Let us know what you think!