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Welcome to NSTA’s Newest Volunteers: Standing Committee, Advisory Board, and Review Panel Members

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-06-02

On behalf of the staff of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), its leadership, and members, I would like to welcome and thank the following members of our Standing Committees, Advisory Boards, and Panels whose terms of appointment began on June 1, 2014.
This year the NSTA membership will be broadening our definition of scientific literacy—Breaking Down Walls—as we strengthen our partnerships with educators at every level and in every setting. To do this, we depend on the talents and generous service of volunteers from across the nation and the world. Your presidential chain (which includes me, the Retiring President Bill Badders, and President-Elect Carolyn Hayes), Board and Council, are very grateful for the willingness of these members to join our team.
NSTA members who are interested in volunteering for a position on one our committees, advisory boards, or review panels can find more information online.

Juliana Texley, NSTA President, 2014–2015

Standing Committees
Richard Jones
Krassi Lazarova
Keith Prokopp
Coordination and Supervision
James Blake
Jeffrey Patterson
Mary Poarch
High School
Emily Meyer
Christropher Nilsen
Eric Wilson
Alex Dzurick
Karen Hays
Sharon Morrell
Middle Level
Zoe Evans
Elizabeth Orlandi
Mary Patterson
Olukayode Banmeke
Deena Gould
Sami Kahn
Carol Suppes
Patty Born-Selly
Anne Durrance
Rebecca Kurson
Preservice Teacher Preparation
Patricia Bricker
Sami Hagiwara
Elizabeth Lewis
Professional Development
Aoko Hope
Nancy Movall
Brian Terry
Kathy Malone
James McDonald
Brian Plankis
James Ruud
Awards and Recognition
Craig Gabler
Olga Hunt
Linda Kennedy
Diana Wiig
Budget and Finance
Karen Ostlund
Bonnie Brunkhorst
Sharla Dowding
Hubert Dyasi
Barbara Pietrucha
Julie Thomas
Advisory Boards
Barbara Gosney
Paul Nordhaus
Katrina Robinson
Lynda Sanders
David Crowther
Oliver Grundmann
Lady Sue Dale Tunnicliffe
Sheila Wicks
Donald Kline
Journal of College Science Teaching
Nicholas Brehl
Burnette Hamil
Sharon Schleigh
NSTA Reports
Chuck Cohen
Tom Cork
Patrick Niven
Retired Members
John Jackson
Vana Richards
Linda Lee Smith
Science and Children
Maria Alanis
Elizabeth Edmondson
Skyler Wiseman
Science Matters
Carolyn Elliott
Imene Harrat
Sean Vair
Science Safety
Theresa Curry
James Kaufman
Edward McGrath
Sandra West
Science Scope
Stacy Holland
Elizabeth Petersen
June Teisan
Special Needs
Joann Blumenfeld
Teresa Fulk
Emily Miller
Sandee Coats-Haan
Shiang-Kwei Wang
Lesa Roe
The Science Teacher
Rosemary Millham
Shannon Sharp-Withers
David Thesenga
Urban Science
Benjy Downing
Bejanae Kareem
Olayinka Mintah
Scott Kratzer
Cathy Newton
Kristin Rearden
New Science Teachers Academy
Carmen Cruz
Karen Henman
Kathy Renfrew
Michael Shupe
Shell Science Teaching Award Judging
Jonathan Gastel
Gary Koppelman
Lori Lancaster
Gary Pinkall

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