By Christine Royce
Posted on 2011-04-20
In this month’s Leaders Letter, some of the questions posted connect to STEM related activities in your area. To start the topic off, I’d like to highlight some upcoming possible STEM initiatives that people can attend and hope that others will also include their own areas local events to help highlight STEM activities.
Being from the East Coast (Pennsylvania, to be specific), I am fortunate to be within driving distance of several states. The first event to discuss is the Office of Naval Research’s STEM Forum which will be held in Alexandria, VA on June 15–16, 2011. Another event that is happening on June 15th is the Pennsylvania Central Region STEM Conference which includes speakers on a variety of STEM-related topics. Information can be found at:
We all live in varied areas that offer different events. I am sure that as leaders, we would love to hear about possible events for professional development and encourage you to include events in your local area.