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Where does science learning occur in your daily routine?

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2012-02-17

Science learning can occur whenever children have the opportunity to pursue an answer to a question. If you wait until it’s your turn in the science lab, the questions that can be asked may be limited to the materials available there and the length of the 30-50 minute session. Add science and engineering learning to your daily routine or schedule and put the related jobs, such as watering plants or observing animals, on your job chart.
Here are a few kindergarten and preschool daily schedules. Click here to see them in detail.

A daily routine or schedule.

A daily routine or schedule.

A daily routine or schedule.

A daily routine or schedule.

Daily routine or schedule.

Daily routine or schedule.

Daily routine or schedule.

Daily routine or schedule.

Send me a photograph of your schedule or comment below to share how science best happens in your program.
Peggy (email is all one word, no spaces: science is simple at yahoo dot com)

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