By Lynn Petrinjak
Posted on 2011-03-11
A sloth is just one of the unexpected sights in the NSTA exhibit hall!
I have to echo Mary’s post. Where else can you see robots roaming, penguins flapping, and educators making their own butterfly chrysalis necklaces? Not to mention electric hybrid cars, a sloth, and pi earrings? The exhibit hall is truly fascinating. (I’ve put more pictures from the exhibit hall up on Flikr, just search for NSTA 2011 exhibit hall.)
This is my third national conference with NSTA and the sheer number and variety of sessions still surprises me. Just a little while ago I was listening to a doctoral candidate discuss his research into equitable assessment of English language learners (ELLs). At the same time, other sessions were delving into technology issues, the use of science notebooks, maximizing the educational impact of field trips, strategies for teaching photo synthesis, and a whole lot more. Then there are the featured speakers, exhibitor workshops, and exhibits.
I’m on the verge of information overload.