Call for Papers
Science Scope
Write for our award-winning journal
Enhance middle school science teaching with your experience.
Upcoming Themes
Don’t see a theme that fits your idea? Don’t let that stop you from writing! We always make room for good manuscripts on any middle school science topic.
48(6) Nov/Dec 2025: Life Sciences Experiences
Submission deadline: April 1, 2024
Manuscripts unrelated to the theme are always welcome! Do you enjoy teaching the life sciences and have a NGSS-aligned activity that meets or partially meets a life science performance expectation? Then consider sharing your ideas with Science Scope readers as life science relates to the following: field work, guest speakers, innovative labs, professional development opportunities, microorganisms, plants, and animals, science fairs, authentic research, careers, diagnosis and treatments for disease, school gardens, engineering as it relates to solving a life science problem, or any other topic as it relates to life science.
49(2) March/April 2026: AI in the Classroom
Submission deadline: August 1, 2025
Artificial Intelligence has exploded in the last few years, and has impacted the education world in both negative and positive ways. Tell us how:
- You utilize technology to increase your productivity as it relates to grading, feedback, lesson planning, email responses, etc.
- Your district has embraced AI
- You or your district are addressing the negatives of AI such as increased ability for students to have a computer write answers or responses to assignments
- You are using the ChatGPT tool in your teaching
- You use generative AI tools
- Your district is addressing academic integrity
- The types of guidance you have received regarding the use of AI
49(3) May/June 2026: Earth Science Experiences
Submission deadline: October 1, 2025
Manuscripts unrelated to the theme are always welcome! Do you enjoy teaching the Earth sciences and have a NGSS-aligned activity that meets or partially meets an Earth science performance expectation? Then consider sharing your ideas with Science Scope readers as earth science relates to the following: field work, guest speakers, innovative labs, professional development opportunities, science fairs, authentic research, careers, astronomy, meteorology, geology and plate tectonics, engineering as it relates to solving an earth science problem, oceanography, or any other topic as it relates to the earth sciences.
Submit Your Manuscript
Please read our manuscript guidelines before submitting your manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically; once online, follow the steps for New Author Registration.
Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area
Include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the classroom
Examples of student work are encouraged
Contact Field Editor Patty McGinnis at
Not ready to pen a feature article?
Consider writing a column. These shorter, focused pieces are the perfect way to share your experiences with the wider middle school science community.