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EQuIP Rubric for Science


EQuIP Rubric for Science - Kindergarten

The EQuIP Rubric for Science provides criteria by which to measure how well lessons and units are designed for the NGSS. This page houses NSTA’s Equip Rubric Reports for Kindergarten.

  • Link to OpenSciEd’s unit page - OSE will provide by 7/19
  • Name of Unit- OSE will provide by 7/19
  • Picture Thumbnail - OSE will provide by 7/19
  • Unit Summary - OSE will provide by 7/19
  • Report Score - NSTA will provide by  7/12
  • Badge file and instructions - NSTA will provide by 8/1
  • Link to the PDF of the Report - not that this will not be ready until 8/1.
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