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We want to equip and empower you to share your story and experience, champion science, and inspire those around you for a better science education for all.


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Author an NSTA Press Book

Classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment, standards-based instruction—NSTA Press® develops and produces the high-quality resources that science educators need, in all disciplines.

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Write for NSTA Journals

We hope you will consider writing a manuscript for our journals to interest our readers and enhance science teaching.


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Submit a Case Study

We welcome case submissions in all areas of science including the life sciences, physical sciences, engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science, psychology, anthropology, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and science education, among others.

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Write a Blog Post

Write a blog post on sensemaking, social justice, science and literacy, teacher/student wellness, and more! Learn more about writing for the NSTA blog.



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